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I make this oil under the full moon when her vibration is the highest and chant "Mother moon, bless this oil and infuse it with your power, love and energy. Thank you for your precious light."


Wear this to feel empowered all month long.


Sage & linden are used as protection; as above, so below

Rose petals are an aphrodesiac and raise and hold the vibration of love

Vanilla is comforting and relieves stress and anxiety

Jasmine positively affects your mental health and leaves you smelling fantastic

Rose quartz carries the love of the moon

Black tourmaline protects you from negative energy

Blue lace agate keeps the channel from the heart to the throat open

Amethyst connects your highest self to Spirit


Full Moon Oil Roller

  • jojoba oil, sage EO, vanilla EO, jasmine EO, rose EO, garden sage, linden, rose petals, rose quartz, amethyst, black tourmaline, blue lace agate

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